• @RattlerSix
      3810 months ago

      “Gastroenterologists who X-rayed Lotito’s stomach said he was capable of consuming 2 pounds per day, according to his Guinness World Records entry.”

      I often read things and think about them and realize that it’s so absurd I can’t believe anyone tried to pass it off as true, and this is one of them.

      Gastroenterologist: “Oh yeah, that stomach can consume metal, I know because…” Because what? You’ve been trained to identify stomachs that can digest metal using X-rays? What day of gastroenterologist school was that?

      Go Google abdominal X-ray. You can’t even tell where the stomach is, it’s just a cloudy area.

      "Oh yeah, that cloudy area there can definitely digest metal, I can tell just by looking at it. I’d say it can digest, say, a pound and a half easily. Probably two pounds. Probably not two and a half though, I can tell just by looking at it that two pounds would be too much. "

      • @otto_von
        910 months ago

        Maybe they made multiple X rays and looked at how much the iron in his body decreased

        • @RattlerSix
          1210 months ago

          Or maybe, and this may sound a little crazy but maybe the guy didn’t eat an airplane

        • @[email protected]
          10 months ago


          Iron toxicity from a patient that literally just took too many supplements.

          You know how they say everybody has about a nail’s worth of iron in their body?

          It turns out that you definitely don’t want a pound of it in your stomach.

          Also turns out that a lot of other metals are the same kind of thing. Not gold though, it’s generally not chemically active, so eat all the gold you want.

          • @Nindelofocho
            26 months ago

            So what you’re saying is it was a gold cessna

      • @lemmus
        910 months ago

        They should have given him an MRI scan to be completely sure.

      • @[email protected]
        18 months ago

        Now look at an x-ray of an abdomen with a metallic object in it. Seems pretty plausible thata person could look at an x-ray containing a bunch of metal and approximate how much of it there is.