U.S. oligarchs are backing Donald Trump and the neofascists surrounding him in a bid to roll back the clock to the Gilded Age.

  • @Hobbes_Dent
    4 months ago

    Gilded age. What a bunch of fucking idiots.

    Oligarchs think team fascism is doing the cucking to get in power, will soon be the cucks before being nationalized or shot.

    It’s not like there’s no example out there. Stupids.

    • @GoofSchmoofer
      84 months ago

      It’s not too much of a reach to see a 2nd trump presidency promoting new laws that look progressive on the surface - higher tax rate on billionaires with the intention of putting himself on the top of the “richest men in America” list. Just takes a a little carve out in the law that presidents (for life) don’t have to pay this new massive tax.