• GodlessCommie
    4 months ago

    The problem is we are at the ‘then they came for me’ part of the poem.

    Theyve already come for all the marginalized, and we were told we needed to vote for our oppressors. They claimed to have the backs of the black community, then demanded we vote for the guy that locked up millions of black men. They claimed to have the backs of the gay community, then demanded we vote for the party that gave away our marriages to the states, They claimed to have the backs of women and their reproductive rights, then demand we vote for the people that had numerous chances over the last 50 years to make Roe law, but did nothing but sell fear and fundraise off that fear. They claimed to have the backs of the poor, then voted for the guy that kicked millions off social safety nets. They claim to have the backs of the underserved, but poverty, homelessness, and access to life essentials are still denied, and demanded we are letting the other guy win if we refuse to support those that can fix, but don’t, wages, healthcare, and homelessness.

    They didn’t have our backs, and now theres no one to help them.