• @[email protected]
    -34 months ago

    I’m not increasing shit.

    Bullshit. The choice is shitty, but it’s your choice to make.

    Answer my original question:

    You’re at a work retreat for a month, and management is taking a vote on what to get for food. Word is that everyone else is about 50/50 split between BBQ ribs, and pepperoni pizza. You’re a vegetarian, what you’d really like is Indian food, but the only ones interested are a handful of other vegetarians. If ribs win, you starve, if pizza wins, you spend the next month picking off pepperonis. How do you vote?

    • @LazyPhilosopher
      24 months ago

      The sheer amount of privilege to make the equivalent of genocide in your metaphor pepperoni on a pizza you have to pick off.

      Jesus f****** Christ.

      There are tens of thousands of dead children dude. You call that picking pepperoni off of f****** pizza?

      You think there’s only a handful of people in this country who care about genocide? Or I’m sorry, apparently caring about genocide means you’re a vegan? What are you going to tell me next that killing Indian children is cool because of bacon?


      • @blackbelt352
        04 months ago

        Do… you understand how metaphors work?

        It’s not saying pepperoni pizza and genocide the same, it’s saying the underlying mechanics between being forced to chose from 2 choices, one clearly more shitty than the other are similar. It’s using a simpler, easy to understand framing device to show the similarity of the thought process.

        You’re either a moron or a disingenuous piece of shit.

        • @LazyPhilosopher
          04 months ago

          I’m neither but I’m pointing out that in your situation, the parallel of a pepperoni pizza to genocide isn’t the same because you can undo pepperoni pizza by taking the pepperonis off. Are you going to unmurder those children?

          Tell me in your metaphor where you can pick off the f****** pepperoni tell me what the equivalent is you daft f****** fascist

          • @[email protected]
            04 months ago

            The pig is dead both ways. Picking off the pepperonis doesn’t un-kill the pigs. Millions of pigs slaughtered every year, you don’t care about that though. Just like you don’t care about the Ukrainians who depend on our aid, or the millions of additional Palestinians who will die when we shift from lackluster Joe to Finish-the-Job Donald

            Answer the question you child.

            • @LazyPhilosopher
              -34 months ago

              The pig is dead both ways. Are you telling me to accept that all of Palestine has already been killed that there is not killing currently going on??

              See this is why the metaphor is f****** stupid And doesn’t f****** work?.

              There’s still innocent leople being slaughtered everyday and you’re over here supporting it.

              I hope that you take one of their places. I hope that you and your family are killed instead of them because they have a chance of being empathetic where I can tell you’re not. I won’t be wasting my time replying to you again

              • @[email protected]
                24 months ago

                No, they’re not all dead, because Biden is at least putting some slight pressure on them. How difficult is it to get through your toddler level of object permanence that Trump fully supports this genocide and wants Israel to finish it. If Biden loses, then yes all the Palestinians will be dead. Peddle your Russian troll farm genocide accelerationism someplace else. I know you want to see Palestine and Ukraine glassed, but some of us actually have empathy beyond political performative idealism.

                Answer the question or go back to middle school with the other kiddies.

                • @LazyPhilosopher
                  -24 months ago

                  You think the f***** who’s supplying weapons to the genociders is slowing down the genocide?

                  I know I said I wasn’t going to respond. That’s the dumbest f****** thing I’ve ever heard.

                  Let me put it to you. This way if someone’s ever torturing you the death, I will slow them down by supplying them the equipment to make you feel the most pain possible.

                  It’s a tragedy that it’s not you and your family starving to death and instead it’s innocent people.

                  All right, you really want the question answered. Here’s my answer. Genocide’s not involved so I’ll just eat the f****** pizza. You f****** privileged piece of s***

                  • @[email protected]
                    34 months ago

                    There you go. Harm reduction, was that so hard? Genocide is absolutely involved, factory farms are horrifying cesspools of daily genocide uniformly supported by both sides , but you don’t care because it’s not topical. And Russia isn’t paying you to push vegetarianism.

                    When one bad thing is way worse than the other, you choose the less bad one. Biden enables genocide, Trump accelerates it. It’s really simple when you actually care more about people’s lives than virtue signaling. Which option leads to less suffering, choose that one. As bad a Biden is for Palestine, Trump is worse.