I want to put the steak onto a hot pan to get that sear on the outside and uh lock in the flavor or something. But butter burns at high heats and oil doesn’t add flavor like butter.

Is there a way I can get the best of both? A nice sear but still cook in butter?

Says it’s a stirlon for example.

  • @mipadaitu
    88 months ago

    I like to use bacon fat.

    • @Death_Equity
      58 months ago

      Bacon fat is great stuff for steak searing. Plus it is an excuse to cook large amounts of bacon. I guess you can buy it, but then you don’t have bacon.

      • @mipadaitu
        68 months ago


        Gustavo Tosta - aka Guga Foods - has a channel on YouTube where he does a lot of experiments with cooking steaks. Some of them are crazy $1,000+ steak recipes. Some of them are literal dollar store steaks cooked in a pan. They don’t always work out, but if you REALLY want to know how things change when you cook steaks in different ways, this is a really fun resource to follow.