• @[email protected]
    89 months ago

    If you allow Alito and Thomas to help Trump facilitate a Fourth Reich, as they both appear wont to do, you and the entire judiciary will be rendered powerless in a matter of months. Enablers only think they’ll be able to control their dictators once in power, as the financiers surrounding every criminal despot throughout history have mistakenly believed. You will rubber-stamp what Trump and his corporate backers want, but inevitably their desires will diverge from your own. At that point, you will have no recourse because there will be no laws except for paper platitudes that serve the dictator’s interests. Query what role for the judiciary will remain thereafter.

    I just finished reading an excellent book, Takeover: Hitler’s Final Rise to Power, which is about the last six months before Adolf became chancellor. Alfred Hugenberg had a media empire and thought he could steer Hitler’s chancellorship and helped bring Hitler to power. He was out after one term or whatever the measurement of the cabinet was.

    People know the saying that those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it. An addendum I saw somewhere is that those who know history are doomed to know that it’s repeating. It sucks a lot.

    • @halferect
      29 months ago

      I’m always suprised they don’t realize they would be some of the first on the chopping block if Trump becomes a dictator, and by chopping block I’m mean actually being executed. Why would Trump need a Supreme Court when he is the Supreme leader?