Bill Pruitt, a former producer for The Apprentice whose NDA just expired after 20 years, writes in Slate that Donald Trump used the n-word during the production of the show — and there are tapes of him doing it.

  • paraphrand
    1610 months ago

    It’s been said the pain of the bamboozle is too much for most to acknowledge so they continue to double down on it. The great grifters and conmen know this and use it to their advantage.

    People in the UFO scene do the same with their grifters.

    • WashedOver
      410 months ago

      I recall reading the Sagan’s Demon Haunted World and the section dedicated to this “phenomenon”. The self convincing and conviction to these events was pretty amazing to read about from a curiosity prospective. The letters he would receive were pretty far out there.

      My matter of fact father swears late one night while grading logging roads in a remote area in the 70s, he saw a big bright light in the sky that he couldn’t explain and it moved in ways he didn’t expect.

      Being out in the wilderness I’m sure it wasn’t a comfortable situation for him. I still wonder what he saw but thankfully there was no accompanying abduction story to go with it in his case. These types of stories and shows did get his a attention forever after as a result.

      • paraphrand
        310 months ago

        I personally think there must be some truth to the phenomenon as a whole. But I can’t stand the grifters who sidle up seeking attention or money after a time.

      • @[email protected]
        19 months ago

        While I’m not sure about the lights alone, I’ve read that more often than not those that claim to have been abducted recently had surgery where they were “put under.” The idea is that they’re “remembering” the lights and shapes of the doctors being over them while they dream, but because they already had the surgery some time ago they believe this is a new event that just happened to them.