The jury might still be deliberating, but Donald Trump’s media allies have already delivered a verdict to their audiences.

Throughout the duration of the Manhattan hush-money trial, Fox News and the rest of MAGA Media have set the stage to absolve Trump in the historic case. Day after day, week after week, popular personalities such as Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and Steve Bannon have lampooned the judicial system, portraying Trump as an innocent victim of political persecution.

Inside this alternate media universe, the actual facts of the case never penetrate the bubble that shields its audiences from detrimental developments for Trump. Instead, alternate dishonest storylines are disseminated as the gospel truth.

Not only is Trump entirely innocent of any and allwrongdoing in the MAGA Media world, but President Joe Biden is guilty of nefariously weaponizing government to wage “lawfare” on his political opponent. Audiences are told that Biden cannot win a fair fight with Trump, so he has resorted to illegal “election interference” by rigging the judicial system against Trump.

  • @jordanlund
    49 months ago

    So have I, guilty on 1 or more counts, will be sentenced to serve multiple 4 year terms concurrently, then spend a decade challeging and appealing the ruling and the sentencing.

    • @TropicalDingdong
      69 months ago

      So this was from a live-stream last night:

      It seems like the jury is taking the process at least fairly seriously, and that the “We the jury” line, makes a clear statement that they themselves see themselves as “on the same team”.

      If guilty, whats your over-under on # of counts? I think if I’m the defense, this gives me extreme pause. I think Trumps out was getting at least one renegade juror who intended to hang the whole thing. The note implies to me that this isn’t the case.

    • @givesomefucks
      49 months ago

      All it takes is a single juror to insist not guilty on all charges and trump walks.

      Realistically the result was determined at jury selection, and we’ve just been waiting this whole time to hear the result.

      A delay doesn’t mean that’s happening tho. With so many charges it could just be one person thinks 31/32 guilty and the other 11 32/32 guilty.

      We just gotta wait.

      But if a single trumpet made it in the jury, none of this mattered

        • @jordanlund
          69 months ago

          Not quite… There were only 2 states that could convict without a unanimous jury and New York wasn’t one of them.

          What the judge said was that there are 3 different ways you can convict, but the jury doesn’t have to be unanimous on any of the three.

          So if 7 jurors decide option 1 makes him guilty, and 3 jurors like option 2 better, and 2 go for option 3, that’s still a unanimous vote for guilty. They just disagree on how they got there.

          Explanation here:

        • @givesomefucks
          29 months ago

          That’s not how this works…

          If a single person insists not guilty on all counts, he walks on all counts.