Let’s post about our current runs!

Are you doing vanilla? Modded?

What’s your goal? What are you finding interesting?

  • @Weirdfish
    29 months ago

    I only recently got the game, and last night I finally built rocket silo in vanilla.

    Little did i realise how much stuff it takes to actually craft a rocket.

    So now i am in the “scrap everything else and feed the silo I want to finally finish this game” run.

    Did not learn about robots until very late in the game, and so I’m making a complete mess trying to retro fit them into my base.

    As a new player, and programmer by profession, I have to say, this game has changed the way I think and code and I absolutely love it.

    Next play through I’m going to try and build a bus, and make all my sub components in separate areas instead of zones for each science. I built myself into way too many corners and couldnt scale much.