• @warmaster
    19 months ago

    YouTube is video, it replaced TV. Podcasts and music streaming replaced the radio. Why should I compare books to another medium? In fact, back in the TV and radio era, more people consumed thant kimd of media instead of books, and that stays true today, yes. More people watch youtube than read books. I bet more people play games than read a book. But it’s comparing different kinds of media. It would be like saying podcasts are dead because more people consume pictures and video on instagram.

    • @pyre
      19 months ago

      you’re wrong. TV replaced the radio, not podcasts. we’re not comparing different kinds of media, we’re saying new media replaces the old, regardless of form. it’s not about numbers; it’s about migration. if people moved on from listening to podcasts to consume pictures and video on Instagram, then you could totally say that, but they didn’t, so we don’t.