• @givesomefucks
    9 months ago

    The school’s demand stemmed from a US Department of Agriculture (USDA) policy that states schools “must not directly or indirectly restrict the sale or marketing of fluid milk.” Doing so would violate the rules of its participation in the National School Lunch Program, which all public — and many private — schools heavily rely on to subsidize their meals, and could result in fines and other corrective actions.

    America doesn’t have a political party that priotizes Americans over corporations…

    Like the milk push was for childhood nutrition, but nowadays our main health problems with kids is obesity.

    So pushing calorie dense milk on teenagers makes zero fucking sense.

    We should be teaching these kids that water is supposed to be the main beverage.

    Milk and juice can still be available, but shouldn’t be the default, and soda shouldn’t really be an option for most school kids.

    But there’s no “big water” lobby to push kids drinking more water. There’s water lobbyists, but that’s about taking water reserves from one area, and then shipping it all over the country to sell at ridiculous prices because it’s been bottled.

    • @Dkarma
      19 months ago

      Imagine blaming milk for today’s obesity problem.

      Lmfao …just clueless

      • VaultBoyNewVegas
        -19 months ago

        Par for the course with Lemmy. Every other day there’s some preachy anti bs whether it’s cars, anything not water or meat. The sites worse than reddit for circle jerking.