• Snot Flickerman
    9 months ago

    It’s literally just gibberish and jump scares.

    I watched way the fuck too many of those shorts, trying to figure out what the appeal was.

    I guess the appeal is the same as any dumb youthful “OMG SO RANDOM” humor.


    So, yeah, it’s just as fucking dumb as the dumb shit we laughed at when we were kids.


    EDIT: u/lukmly013 adds some important context to the source of the word “Skibidi.”

      • @Kadaj21
        69 months ago

        I got that reference!

      • Snot Flickerman
        9 months ago

        I mean, to be fair, the same can be said for this, too. Skibidi Toilets actually has a coherent plot and characters if you’re paying attention.

        I promise you, if you came across Charlie the Unicorn for the first time as an adult, you would describe it similarly.

        • Captain Aggravated
          29 months ago

          Okay let’s take a look and see what’s going on here. youtube search for "skibidi toilet’ holy shit episode 73 okay here’s a bunch of them in order watches the first few then skips around to get a feel for what’s going on

          No that’s nothing like Charlie the Unicorn. Charlie the Unicorn is pre-2008 cynicism from the same mold as The End of the World aka “H’okay, so”. It’s a Gen X joke that landed with Millennials. I think it’s closer to Jonti’s work, somewhere on the Weebl & Bob or Magical Trevor continuum, where you look at your friend and just say “badger badger badger” and they know to say “mushroom mushroom!” and everyone but the adults have a good laugh.

          Looks like we’ve got some SFM goofiness at the beginning with heads popping out of toilets singing a nonsense song, no telling if it’s something pre-existing that has been re-used or if it’s composed for this, skipping ahead it looks like it goes into “these are invading creatures we must eradicate” SCP creepypasta direction be cause of fucking course it does, this is either made for or made by the FNAF generation. I don’t know how old Matpat’s audience is anymore man, I turned around twice and my newborn niece is in middle school.

        • @Crackhappy
          49 months ago

          Let’s go to candy mountain charlieeeeee

      • @[email protected]
        69 months ago

        I mean it was a bit of both though amazingly the final episode explains everything, randomness included.

    • @BroBot9000
      199 months ago

      Take that back. How dare you besmirch the good name of Charlie the Unicorn like that.

    • DarkThoughts
      189 months ago

      I always get an aneurysm whenever Enhancer for YouTube fails to hide shorts and I see all the fucking shorts spam on YT. It’s horrible how much it ruined search results. I fucking hate what YT has become over the last decade especially.

      • Snot Flickerman
        9 months ago

        It’s why I barely watch YouTube at all and mostly read news and get frustrated if the only source is a fucking YouTube video.

        You know what’s really easy to cite? A text document.

        You know what’s not so easy to cite? A six-part 14 hours-of-video deep dive into Disnleyland queueing and ticketing systems or whatever.

        No, stop, write it the fuck down. You definitely wrote a bunch down in service of making this fucking video so why not also just release that for fucks sake? Are people so unable to get involved in reading anymore?

        Some things are more helpful as a YouTube video, like How-To videos where you can see more clearly what is happening when a written instruction can be unclear. It’s also useful for speaking truth to power by recording cops who are breaking the law and so forth. But those are specific use cases.

        • @Lost_My_Mind
          189 months ago

          Are people so unable to get involved in reading anymore?

          I don’t know know if this trait carrys over to Lemmy, but on reddit I would get my best upvotes on messages that were 1-2 sentences, usually with a quote or reference to something popular.

          You know, thoughtless content where I’m just reminding them of a quote from the office, or a small joke. Anything more than a paragraph and people replied "Whoa! I’m not reading that mountain of text! Meanwhile it’s less text than would be on a pamphlet.

          It reminds of something Bo Burnham said in a song from Youtube Live, which was planned as an annual celebration of youtubes biggest stars featuring live performances on stage. Bo Burnham had just broke out. He said:

          “It’s youtube, it’s what this country’s been needing, an entire generation of kids who don’t waste their time reading!”

          That was 2009. Which means at the youngest, those kids are now at least young adults. And the older ones are pushing 30 now.

          Excuse me as I go cry looking in the mirror at my grey hairs, pondering how many more years until I need a cane.

          • Snot Flickerman
            39 months ago

            Thankfully, the trait for the most part does not carry over. I still see (and get) a lot of upvotes on dumb, cheeky posts.

            But honestly, the deep dives and thoughtful shit gets way way way more love, in my experience.

        • @[email protected]
          39 months ago

          A lot of people are bad at reading. Sometimes it’s not their fault. Taught poorly, learning disabilities, whatever. Sometimes they’re just lazy and out of practice.

          • Snot Flickerman
            9 months ago

            To be clear, I’m not against people who have trouble reading having a resource, like I said, it would be ideal to produce a video and a text/image document. This way you can reach the most people and not put off the people who would just like to be able to read it quietly.

            I just dislike when the only source is a YouTube video.

            • @[email protected]
              49 months ago

              I think we agree. I get very frustrated when there’s only video. I’ll be like “Is power A or B better in game X?” and find a bunch of 10 minute videos that could be summed up in a paragraph that said like “A has higher burst DPS by a wide margin, but B does more damage overall in fights that last more than a few rounds”

        • @daltotron
          29 months ago

          Yeah, I think this problem is mostly solved if people were more willing to take their obviously highly produced and edited scripts and just make those publicly accessible with sources and whatnot, which they presumably need to basically do anyways in order to have good captioning on their video. The main problem isn’t so much that they use videos, to me, but that we have no way to sort through leagues of text documents and blogs now. Harder for me to subscribe to and read a blog in a dedicated fashion, I guess. I dunno, I guess ultimately I’m just saying that the two mediums need more connection, which would be mutually beneficial, I think.

    • @[email protected]
      129 months ago

      I actually smiled and laughed when I first saw that it was a huge trend, considering all the gary’s mod and SFM stuff, especially TF2 videos, I adored myself as a teen/young adult. Made me feel less old seeing that there’s still life in the meme format.

      • Captain Aggravated
        29 months ago

        It was wild watching the next generation discover Half Life. There are Youtube essayists who were born after this happened making videos about their theories as to where the Combine came from and such and on the one hand it’s kind of fun seeing their takes on it, and how sometimes they’re missing the context of other stuff that was taking place around that time, the fan communities that are no longer live on the web like PlanetHalfLife.

        It’s also weird that a lot of the Source stuff like Garrysmod and TF2 are still popular and being used to create stuff for teh youthz. When you come up with that one guy who did covers of linkin park songs and Gordon Frohman, to see that it’s still going and where it’s gone is just strange.

    • @SzethFriendOfNimi
      29 months ago

      Cat dog and Renn and Stimpy too. Silly comedy for the sake of being silly.