• @tsonfeir
    199 months ago

    A lot of people still have trust in the courts. They hear conservative media saying “these are just left wing accusations,” and don’t think he has done anything wrong.

    However, now that he has a conviction, a growing number of people are leaving him because they courts are infallible (to them).

    I know it’s wishful thinking to think he will get jail time in July, or that he will get any other conviction before November.

    But once you’re a felon, you’re a felon. And he’s a felon 34 times.

    • @voluble
      109 months ago

      It’s so baffling though. Sincerely believing “these are just left wing accusations” and maga/swamp slogans, maps onto “the judge had a conflict of interest, this was a witch hunt” etc., by the exact same route of illusion.

      The only way I can make sense of this, is to assume that we’re not really dealing with sincere belief. It’s hard to imagine a rational Republican that stood behind the former president through everything since the birth certificate thing, and are now somehow chastened. Maybe they simply think it’ll be a bad look for their guy to be wearing an ankle bracelet on inauguration day / in the first 100 days in office, and it will compromise their party’s future election chances. A question of ‘ick’ factor, and not some extension of actual values and beliefs, like we might hope. “Convicted felon” is a soft Dean scream, maybe.

      • @tsonfeir
        79 months ago

        He lost one. And, there has only been one president in US history to server two nonconsecutive terms. Grover Cleveland (1885–1889 and 1893–1897).

        • @HeyThisIsntTheYMCA
          9 months ago

          The only other I can think of who ran again after they lost after their first term is Teddy Roosevelt. The rest retired gracefully?

      • Flying Squid
        79 months ago

        You’re looking for rationality from irrational people.

      • @barsquid
        29 months ago

        Dean had already lost Iowa by that time, it was pretty certain he wasn’t going to win. The scream was awkward but more coincidental than cause IMO.

        But yeah, anything that drops Donald out of the race would be nice.