• TechyDad
    192 years ago

    Step 1: Police officer sees a car with an out of state license plate.

    Step 2: Officer comes up with a reason to stop the car. Maybe the driver was doing 2mph over the speed limit or didn’t stop 100% properly (in the officer’s opinion) at a stop sign. Note that this can be completely made up. The officer can claim that they were going 50 in a 30 speed zone even if they were going 29mph.

    Step 3: The officer asks for the driver’s ID. The driver hands over their driver’s license. The officer insists that they need VALID identification and the out of state driver’s license doesn’t count. (Bonus points if the officer confiscates the “illegal driver’s license” and refuses to return it )

    Step 4: The driver is arrested for driving without a valid license. If they are Latino (or just “look or sound foreign”), they are placed with some immigrants and threatened with deportation regardless of their actual citizenship status.

    • @aidanM
      -52 years ago

      If they wanted to make up a reason to stop people they don’t need this law