A moment I’ve no doubt many Linux fans have been waiting to see. The Linux user share on Steam has smashed through the 2% barrier.

Not actually for the first time though, it did initially rise up above 2% in March 2013, shortly after the original Steam for Linux release when it left Beta. Part of the reason it had higher numbers at the start, was that Valve added a special Tux item into Team Fortress 2 only on Linux but it quickly dropped in the following months.

  • SavvyWolf
    107 months ago

    Be interesting to see the numbers next month because of the whole Recall thing that people seem to have gotten really mad about.

    I don’t want to get my hopes up, but I’ve seen a lot of people saying they switched to Linux. But that could just be the circles I’m in though.

    • @[email protected]
      17 months ago

      I’ve used Linux exclusively for years. Can’t you just turn Recall off? Or better yet, use Windows 10? It’s still supported for more than a year from now. Could probably get away with it for like 2 years if security isn’t critical for your system.

      • SavvyWolf
        57 months ago

        Sure you can turn it off, and realistically this isn’t that bad an antifeature. But Microsoft has been making a lot of unpopular decisions (Randomly restarting, Edge shilling, the tpm requirement, general privacy violations, ads in the start menu), and this is by far the worst reaction I’ve seen from Windows users I follow.