Today, I set up my new Birdnet-Pi,a raspberry Pi, running an app that detects and identifies birds by their calls. This is my first half day of recording birds.

Image description: A screenshot of the Birdnet Pi web interface. At the top, it shows a breakdown of birds from that day, sorted by species and time. In order of total number of occurrences, the birds listed are Torresian Crow, Australasian Figbird, Noisy Miner, Barn Owl, Rainbow Lorikeet and Blue-faced Honeyeater. Beneath the list of birds, it shows a waveform graphic for the audio of the latest bird call identitied by the system. In this instance, a Torresian Crow.

  • @berryjam
    24 months ago

    What microphone are you using for this?

    • AdaOP
      34 months ago

      Just a re-purposed desktop USB mic at the moment. But I’ve been told that it works fine with the cheapest crappiest USB mics you can find, so I’ve ordered a couple of those, and will take the desktop mic back inside once I’ve got them setup

      • @berryjam
        24 months ago

        Cool, I might buy a mic and try this!