[Not my photo obviously]

  • @GraniteM
    79 months ago

    I wonder if he was trying to mate with the toilet.

    • jackeryjoo
      69 months ago

      Honestly, just looks like he was captured or saved, and stored in the bathroom until they could figure out what to do with him. He probably got nervous and tried to climb out. They’re insanely strong in certain directions, like, insanely. Wouldn’t take much to pop the toilet off its bolts.

      • @Anticorp
        18 months ago

        Looks like a Salcata Desert Tortoise. They’re the 2nd largest tortoise in the world, so they don’t make great pets for people who don’t live in warm climates and have big backyards. But they’re often sold as pets when they’re little babies about the size of a silver dollar. Then they grow up and turn into nightmares for the owners. They’ll plow straight through drywall walls too, and even cheap apartment doors.

    • @Anticorp
      18 months ago

      Probably just trying to move around. There’s not nearly enough space in there.