Based on search-by-image functionality, there are lots of similar churches but I haven’t found an exact match. The shrub location is weird and churches of this size don’t usually have those little spikes. Most have round wooden doors and more windows, too.
I think the author found an outline of a MIG-25, pasted it on top of some scenery and then asked Stable Diffusion to maximize “church”, “professional photograph” etc. without changing pixels above a threshold.
this is obviously fake ffs
Based on search-by-image functionality, there are lots of similar churches but I haven’t found an exact match. The shrub location is weird and churches of this size don’t usually have those little spikes. Most have round wooden doors and more windows, too.

I think the author found an outline of a MIG-25, pasted it on top of some scenery and then asked Stable Diffusion to maximize “church”, “professional photograph” etc. without changing pixels above a threshold.
I think so too. The complete lack of a path to this church plus the weird bush placement and weird towers just look wrong :D
Look up images of ‘church,’ look for the head-on images, turn your head to the side.
For example, first one I found:
For the lazy or unimaginative:
But may I raise the stakes with the Ulm Minster (the most terrifying church I’ve ever seen):
looks like a gothic variant of a battlestar galactica viper
okay that one looks real :D the one that is posted is doctored or done by AI though