After decades of attempts to develop new birth control medications for men, scientists are more hopeful than ever. With new abortion restrictions, demand is growing, experts say.

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  • @Maalus
    19 months ago

    No, both happen equally often. It’s not “men want to make everyone pregnant and women are saints”.

    • @Today
      -19 months ago

      Men want to have sex at the same frequency that women want to get pregnant? I’m pretty sure that’s not accurate.

      • @Maalus
        19 months ago

        Men don’t want to get someone pregnant by having sex with them just as much as women don’t want to get pregnant.

        You have some preconceived bias on how all of this works. The reality is it’s 50-50. There are scumbag men and there are scumbag women. At the end of the day what you are saying with “oh no we must trust men with a contraceptive now” amounts to “oh no we must trust men not to rape”.

        • @Today
          19 months ago

          That’s not at all what i said, or at least not what i meant. Two people meet, women pulls out condom, man says, “it’s ok, I’m on the gel.”. It’s exactly the same as “I’m on the pill,” or shot or whatever. It’s been my experience that men were fairly likely to just say ok, but i think women would be more questioning of it. Of course that doesn’t take into account stds…

          • @Maalus
            19 months ago

            Yeah, so again - rape. Lying about being on the pill is just that. Lying about being on the gel would be exactly the same. It’s all about trust - don’t get into bed with someone who you cannot trust. Gender has nothing to do here. There are people poking holes in the condoms, there are people lying about contraception (either pill or getting snipped). A new type of it doesn’t change anything.