• Alcohol $7.8b
  • All illicits: $1.8b
  • Meth: $0.365b

I wanted a figure for cannabis and found this from 2020:


  • All illicits: $1.9b
  • Meth: $0.824b
  • Cannabis: $0.911

I notice that the per kilograms measure for harm is also useful to account for volume of usage, but think that per ‘dose’ would be better.

  • Meth: $1.1m per kg with 743kg consumption
  • Cannabis: $0.35m per kg with 58000kg consumption

These figures include ‘associative crime’ as harm. So it apparent counts the cost of buying it as harm, it also counts the tax loss of that expenditure, so IMHO it skews unfavourabley to higher expenditure. But put that aside.

These figures show that all illicit drugs combined are less harmful to society than alcohol, and tautologically the harm is inflated by illegality.

    • @[email protected]
      49 months ago


      But the situation is more nuanced than simply saying everything is up for grabs.

      Weed should be fully legal, controlled quality and trusted. Tax revenue would help pay for health complications from the usage.

      There needs to be a harm based assessment of each substance.

      • SatansMaggotyCumFart
        09 months ago

        Everything should be legalized.

        I haven’t simply said everything is up for grabs, that was you.

        • @[email protected]
          19 months ago

          Every comment you’ve made here has been completely devoid of nuance, insight, or intelligence, and quite frankly, you sound like a bit of a moron.

          Methamphetamine is an incredibly addictive and harmful substance, with drastic health risks to it’s consumption, and making it easier to access is a terrible idea.

          • SatansMaggotyCumFart
            19 months ago

            Every comment you’ve made here has been completely devoid of nuance, insight, or intelligence, and quite frankly, you sound like a bit of a moron.

            You sound like my university professors.

            • @[email protected]
              19 months ago

              If you’ve genuinely been to university, this shows that intelligence and education don’t always follow one another.

              • SatansMaggotyCumFart
                9 months ago

                Hey I can handle you calling me a moron but implying I’m lying is a step too far.

                Do you typically attack people personally because you disagree with what they are saying?

                • @[email protected]
                  09 months ago

                  I’m pointing out that people who hold a viewpoint that one thing is the way to go in all situations, with no exceptions, is something I typically associate with a lack of critical thinking ability.

                  • SatansMaggotyCumFart
                    29 months ago

                    Every comment you’ve made here has been completely devoid of nuance, insight, or intelligence, and quite frankly, you sound like a bit of a moron.

                    It sounds like you’re just insulting my intelligence.

                    Methamphetamine Is so highly addictive and has such bad side effects that the FDA approved it for a treatment for ADHD and obesity in children.

                    It’s called Desoxyn.

                    How many of the negative thing associated with it are just because it’s illegal? Have you spent any time thinking about that or do you just like insulting people?