Auditor General Karen Hogan’s audit couldn’t determine if contracts delivered value for money

  • @givesomefucks
    89 months ago

    McKinsey is the cause of a lot of issues…

    It’s all 20 something Ivy Leaguers that corporations pay a lot of money to be told the best path forward is:

    Layoffs, cut benefits, give executives bonuses

    Of course, they dabble in other shit as well.

    When people complain about how capitalism is fucking shit up, there’s usually some McKinsey employees (again, dumb rich 20 something’s straight out of college) way back at the beginning of the problem telling everyone to do the thing that caused the problems.

    They do an absolute dog shit job of helping, unless the only people you care about helping are the wealthiest. McKinsey always comes up with solutions that make the wealthy more money.

    The wealthy already know those “solutions” they just need a third party to suggest it so when it hurts everyone else the wealthy can act like even the experts couldn’t see the obvious downside coming.

    • jadero
      79 months ago

      And the truly horrific part is that their advice further guts the civil service. That leaves us in a position where we have to hire fake experts as a substitute for the actual experts we used employ.