I know evolution is governed by chance and it is random but does it make sense to “ruin” sleep if there’s light? I mean normally, outside, you never have pure darkness, there are the moon and stars even at night. In certain zones of the Earth we also have long periods of no sunshine and long periods of only sunshine.

I don’t know if my question is clear enough but I hope so.

Bonus question: are animals subject to the same contribution of light or lack of it to the quality of sleep?

  • @Lumisal
    19 months ago

    I was wondering why it was so dark.

    I used to live in. Jyväskylä. But the pictures and context you gave seem to be Uusimaa region.

    I’m guessing the second one is dusk, assuming your camera didn’t flip the image. Sun goes in a circle here.

    The rolling blackout curtain from Ikea is what helps me a lot (I think the “fyture” one?)

    • @Dasus
      29 months ago

      Second one is pretty exactly dusk, yeah. Or 8 minutes after, technically.

      The first one is dawn. Two hours apart and apparently in the same place, more or less.

      And Uusimaa would fit, yeah, but I’m in Varsinais-Suomi. Same thing latitude wise though, but dawn and dusk are two minutes earlier in Helsinki than in Turku.