Late last year, Emily Johnson took to Reddit to share her frustration with how expensive food in Canada has become.

She fixated on one grocer in particular: Loblaw, the dominant food retailer in Canada, boasting nearly 2,500 stores.

Her Reddit group - named LoblawsIsOutofControl - was filled with photos of grocery items for sale at seemingly egregious prices, like C$40 ($29.36; £23.06) for 1.4 kilograms of chicken.

Soon after, Ms Johnson and others banded together to launch a nation-wide boycott against Loblaw, saying they were fed up with the disparity between rising food prices and record profits.

  • lad
    149 months ago

    fed up with the disparity between rising food prices and record profits

    Well, there is no disparity, in fact, it’s cause and effect

    • @PlantDadManGuy
      79 months ago

      I believe the disparity she’s referring to is that food prices should be falling as a result of corporate pricing structure adjustments to reflect their record profits. But of course that would contradict the malignant greed of late stage capitalism.

      • lad
        09 months ago

        Indeed, I believe the correct meaning to be the one you stated. It was just a joke in choosing an unintended meaning of the word, don’t take my comment too seriously