Recently started using a LightPhone II when out of the house, and I found the article captured my current experience pretty well. It’s not so bad to be bored sometimes.

  • @Aux
    82 years ago

    We can waste many hours in our smart phones because our lives today are too comfortable. So comfortable that people don’t even realise that.

    Doing dishes without a dish washer takes at least one hour every day. Doing laundry without a washing machine takes a day. Do you know how much time it takes to bath two kids in a house without hot water supply? I can go on.

    Shopping, cleaning, washing, going to work, traveling anywhere for any reason - every bloody action took A LOT OF TIME. You give smartphones to people 50-100 years ago and they won’t have time to use them.

    The poorest people in advanced countries today literally live like kings of the olden days.