You may have noticed a distinct lack of return2ozma. This is due to their admitting, in a public comment, that their engagement here is in bad faith:

I’m sure there will be questions, let me see if I can address the most obvious ones:

  1. Can I still post negative stuff about Biden?

Absolutely! We have zero interest in running an echo chamber. However, if ALL you’re posting is negative, you may want to re-think your priorities. You get out of the world what you put into it and all that.

  1. Why now?

Presumption of innocence. It may be my own fault, but I do try to think the best of people, and even though they were posting negative articles, they weren’t necessarily WRONG. Biden’s poll numbers, particularly in minority demographics ARE in the shitter. They are starting to get better, but he still has a hell of a hill to climb.

  1. Why a 30 day temp ban and not a permanent ban?

The articles return2ozma shared weren’t bad, faked, or from some wing-nut bias site like “”, they were legitimate articles from established and respected news agencies, pointing out the valid problems Biden faces.

The problem was ONLY posting the negatives, over and over and then openly admitting that dishonest enagement is their purpose.

Had they all been bullshit articles? It would not have taken anywhere near this much time to lay the ban and it would have been permanent.

30 days seems enough time for them to re-think their strategery and come back to engage honestly.

tl;dr -

  • @jordanlundOPM
    224 months ago

    Well, we don’t have time to read every comment in every post.

    If there are problems, make sure you report them! That’s what we see first and foremost!

    • @[email protected]
      4 months ago

      I did, that’s why they’re already banned on Blahaj.

      Edit: Also, I literally just spoke to you about it right now and the comments are still up on, so I’m not sure what message I’m supposed to take here other than these comments don’t break the rules.

      • @jordanlundOPM
        64 months ago

        I haven’t had time to go back and review the chain you’re talking about, re-report it and I’ll grab it when I have the chance.

        • @[email protected]
          114 months ago

          I can’t re-report it, they’re banned on blahaj and the comments have been purged for me. Also my client (maybe instance?) doesn’t allow re-reporting.

          • @jordanlundOPM
            104 months ago

            Got it, I’ll come back through the comment link when I have the chance!

            • @[email protected]
              34 months ago

              Should I take that these comments are still up near 24 hours later with no follow up to mean that they don’t break any rules?

                • @[email protected]
                  4 months ago

                  So to sum up:

                  Posting “too many” true but negative things about Biden - Bannable

                  Posting denials of specific, provable homophobic incidents and only interacting with posts about LGBT issues to do that specifically: somehow doesn’t violate the civility rule despite being homophobic or the rule on good faith interaction

                  Thanks for being honest about where your priorities lie.

                  There were two comment threads by the way, not sure if you looked at the other since you only mention one.

                  Happy Pride 🥳

                  • @jordanlundOPM
                    34 months ago

                    Nothing in their comments is overtly homophobic. He’s arguing that someone didn’t say something they clearly said as a college student.

                    All of which is provably false as per the comments and downvotes.