• @[email protected]
    79 months ago

    Since the consensus is that Borderlands is now a dead franchise, anyone know of any alternatives? I enjoy Roboquest, but it doesn’t quite scratch the same itch (minus the artstyle). Gunfire Reborn seems closer to Borderlands, so I’ll check it out eventually.

    • @BluesF
      39 months ago

      I would recommend Everspace 2. It’s quite a different game, it’s a space dogfighter first and foremost… But it’s also somewhat a light RPG looter shooter. It’s great, and still recieving updates (slowly).

      • @RealFunAtParties
        19 months ago

        I rather liked the first Everspace but the second was a slog for me. To put it briefly, it seemed to missing the best parts of the first.

        The story was kind of dull, not that the firsts was very substantial but to me the story in 1 was moreso the emergent events & situations that would happen along the way.

        It might be that I’m just getting burnt out on RPGs but having to keep replacing gear for marginal stat boosts with few interesting differences got old quick. That and enemy levels were all over the place (the first time I had to fight an Okkar Corvette I melted it in roughly 2 seconds without doing anything special). The different ship classes & their unique abilities were pretty neat though.

        • @BluesF
          9 months ago

          I mean if you don’t like replacing gear for similar stuff with better stats I don’t think looter shooters are for you haha! The story is pretty basic but I do enjoy the random dialogue you get when just flying about once you’ve unlocked HIVE

    • @mossy_
      29 months ago

      You could try Warframe. It has its own issues but the game is incredibly healthy despite the monetization. I’ve spent $30 total on the game despite playing nearly all of the content in it.