I guess the conversation I would like to have is, are we ready? Do you think we have had advancements withheld and held back and is the economy more important than the planet? Personally I feel like everything comes back to monetary wealth getting in the way of global happiness. Star Trek really got that right.

  • @Clent
    146 months ago

    No. This is just a movie. There is no free energy. Free energy wouldn’t collapse the economy, it would accelerate it.

    But there is no free energy. Physics is pretty clear on this. Even if it was possible to spend a trillion up front to create a system that generated energy at no additional cost, there is still the cost of transmitting the energy, there is still the cost of maintenance. Someone will still be able to extract a profit delivering the energy to you.

    You can already experience free energy with solar panels and some batteries. World hasn’t ended yet.