But this isn’t

  • @[email protected]
    89 months ago

    I liked McCain as well, until he picked Palin. On that day I changed my party affiliation from R to I because I knew there was no room under the big tent for a person like me.

    • @Jarix
      19 months ago

      Why do you need a party affiliation? Why not just vote as you see fit at the time of voting (i know I’m the weird one but i still don’t understand this after 40 years)

      • @King3d
        19 months ago

        The biggest reason for most people is for closed primaries, which vary from state to state. During a closed primary or caucus, only voters registered with that party can take part and vote.

        • @Jarix
          19 months ago

          Oh i see. I dont have that here. Thanks. But also that seems weirdly invasive