I hope it’s better than Civ 6.

  • @[email protected]
    349 months ago

    I just want an AI that actually plays the game and have to build things for real instead of cheating in everything.

    • @[email protected]
      99 months ago

      The AI has never been great in the series for various reasons, but for whatever reason it just did not know how to play in Civ6. I’d either get crushed by the bonuses early on if I played on high difficulty or have the game firmly in hand by the Renaissance otherwise. Easily the worst game in the series for me as a result.

      • @Phoonzang
        69 months ago

        Yeah, it seems at a certain breaking point in the difficulty curve it becomes “catch up with the AI boni”, which made it a completely different game for me. And as you said, usually by renaissance you know if this is going to be a landslide victory (which at that point becomes a chore), or if you’re screwed.

    • @thejoker954
      29 months ago

      This please.

      Yes pretty graphics are nice, but I have never understood why it seems like all effort to make better game ‘AI’ just completely stopped.

      Like I get getting game ai to act ‘real’ is/was virtually impossible, but it’s possible to fake it enough to make it enjoyable and has been for a long while and yet is always an afterthought.