The fact I’ll die alone without ever feeling the love of a woman besides my mother and without a child saddens me. So, as kind of a consolation, I want to know… How does it feel? Being in love and being together, the sex part, just living together and all that…

    -29 months ago

    I’ve been listening the music I enjoy for over 2 decades by now, nothing changed. I’m fucked.

    • HelloThere
      69 months ago

      You’re not fucked, that’s just the bit that wants you to be sad talking, instead of the bit that wants to be happy.

      You may have been listening to it for 20 years, but do you let yourself feel any positive emotion during it?

      • CYB3ROP
        9 months ago

        I mostly feel anger, a bit of sexual desire and desire to tell everyone to go fuck themselves.

        • HelloThere
          69 months ago

          That’s not necessarily a bad thing, you can use music to process emotions you may avoid at other times.

          What gives you a positive emotion? What makes you slightly smile?

          • CYB3ROP
            -29 months ago

            Seeing people fail. Seeing the bad guy win in a movie.

            • HelloThere
              39 months ago

              I wouldn’t class revenge fantasy as positive, if I’m honest.

              Parts of your brain will fight you on this, but try and think of something “nice” that makes you feel a tiny bit better, or happier, or relaxed.

              For me, it’s stroking my cats and/or going for a walk, but it could be pretty much anything really - as long as it isn’t “I just want to watch the world burn” type stuff.

              This isn’t easy, it won’t happen over night, but if you keep trying to identify something like this, and then purposefully choose to do it on a regular basis, you’ll have done the first 100metres.

              Try to remember that part of your brain wants you to be sad and angry and depressed. You’ve listened to that bit a lot. But the bit that wants to be happier, that believes things can be better, is what is keeping you replying to this thread. Practise listening to that bit more.

              I wish you the very best of luck. You can do this. You are worth it.

              • CYB3ROP
                9 months ago

                No I don’t believe that. Not because I’m a contrarian but because I know what women want and that’s not me and don’t wanna fake myself into being another person.

                • HelloThere
                  19 months ago

                  I agree, you are not a contrarian, but the bit of your mind that wants you to be sad all the time is. Why? Because it keeps you sad by stopping you from thinking about the contrary, as in being a tiny bit happier.

                  Just because you can’t complete a marathon today, does not mean that you are not capable, eventually and with training, to do so. But you have to start with the first 100m, and that bit of your mind is stopping you from even trying to do 100m, with the justification that because you can’t do 42km there’s no point to do 100m.

                  Or to put it another way, if you want to listen to Chop Suey, you listen to Chop Suey, right? You don’t justify not listening to it because you don’t have time to listen to SOAD’s entire discography.

                  Walking 100m, listening to that single song, or identifying something that makes you feel ever so slightly happier (not revenge!) is all the same thing. It’s all just taking a step. Nothing more.

                  You are not being fake by letting yourself enjoy something you enjoy. Again, that is the little bit of your brain wanting you to be sad convincing the rest of your brain to stop you doing that thing, because if you do that thing, and you’re a tiny bit happier, it gets less powerful.

                  Mate, think of it this way, how can you possibly know what another person wants, and what makes them happy, man or woman, when you are struggling to accept that you are simply allowed to feel even the smallest amount of happiness?

                  If you can’t understand that for yourself, and you spend all day every day inside your head, how can you possibly be certain that you’re correct for 7 billion others?

                  If you were right for 7 billion, then 1 more should be pretty trivial, surely?

                  Or, maybe it’s because that it’s just a lie the sad bit of your brain is screaming at the rest of your brain, just to keep you sad.

                  Negative thoughts are a part of you just as much as they are a part of me, but they are not all of you, and you are not only them.

                  And the same applies for positive thoughts, we contain a mix of both, not only one or the other.

                  • CYB3ROP
                    9 months ago

                    Nobody, not even the most social dude has access to 7 billion people. I have access to just a few dozens at best, I’m a poor immigrant and do you think Italian girls like brown poor people? Unless you’re a fucking football player or a very stereotype latino party animal they don’t. Just give up mate, the moment you described how you got laid as basically a kid gives me less hope. Your life is a fantasy to me. I will not get better and fucking listening music won’t change jackshit on my life.

                    I’m a bunch of weird and undesirable traits put together plus I’m not a model look wise and I’m poor. NOTHING about it will change, ergo meaning nobody will come. I’m 35 ffs