• @cmbabul
      148 months ago

      Something I learned when I moved to the PNW, Idaho has the reputation for potatoes but Washington grows more(the most I believe). It’s like how Georgia is the peach state but any honest Georgian, myself included, will tell you our crop is peanuts, South Carolina produces more peaches

    • @[email protected]
      58 months ago

      To be fair, most of the farmhands are Mexicans, even if the Farmers™ are all white guys. Ignoring Boise, there’s kinda two halves to Idaho, both geographically and socially/politically. Most of the hardcore KKK/nazi white supremacist stuff I’ve heard about is in the panhandle around Coeur d’Alene, etc. The potatoes are grown in the south in the snake River basin. Now I’m not trying to fool you, It’s still very, very conservative in southern Idaho, but they’re more like Utah conservatives, cause they basically are, everyone’s Mormon down there. When they’re racist, it’s not quite as overt as a burning cross.