• @[email protected]
    89 months ago

    Conservatives have party loyalty, not MAGA loyalty.

    GOP has had two wings since Nixon came up with the Southern Strategy; the money people and the church people. The church people love Trump unconditionally. They will dump the GOP in a second if the GOP moves away from Trump.

    I like to use this analogy. The GOP is like a high school with the teachers being the money folks. Trump was the new football coach who won a lot of games by feeding the team steroids and meth. Now the teachers are trying to figure out what to do now that the students are burning down the school.

    • @disguy_ovahea
      39 months ago

      Absolutely. Trump’s stimulation of the party really simplified the difference now. It’s as simple as the difference between covert vs. overt bigotry.

        • @disguy_ovahea
          29 months ago

          Thanks. I’ve read about Atwater, but I’ve never heard that interview. Yeah, he was despicable alright.

          • @[email protected]
            29 months ago

            For fun, look up Nixon era mystery writer Ross Thomas. He started out as a Washington reporter, then became a novelist.

            “The Fools In Town are On Our Side” may be the dirtiest politics book ever written.

            “The Porkchoppers” is a close second.