• @Garbanzo
    458 months ago

    Irvine might be the worst place in the country for weird authoritarian bullshit. I’m not super well traveled, but it’s the creepiest place I’ve ever been. You can’t go anywhere without being reminded that it belongs to the Irvine Company or that you’re subject to weirdly particular HOA rules.

    • @RubberElectrons
      8 months ago

      My favorite is learning that literally any parking lot or shopping center that has that dark green paint between spaces means it’s property owned by the Irvine Co.

      Supposedly scumbag ceo doesn’t like seeing white lines from his helicopter (shitbag’s probably fine with them on his tabletop)

    • @niktemadur
      8 months ago

      On the one hand, this place probably used to have kids playing things like stick baseball in the street back in the 70s, with nobody batting an eyelid about it, before some poor kid got run over by a car going over the speed limit and/or the kid chasing a ball into the street while the driver wasn’t paying attention.

      Maybe it happened more than once. It is more than plausible to imagine this happening several times over the course of a couple of decades. Then one evening- all it takes is just one evening HOA meeting - the residents had a motion carried and voted on, probably right after one of these accidents.

      On the other hand, Irvine is kind of like the land of ordinances that require one to put up a sign that says - WARNING: THIS SIGN HAS SHARP EDGES.

    • nifty
      8 months ago

      It has relatively cheap real estate for all the trouble they seem to be going through to maintain “standards”. For example this house in any given Blue state would be 1.5M+ https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/604-S-Durango-Cir_Irving_TX_75062_M81329-18653?from=srp-list-card

      Edit bc I looked at the wrong place 🤪

      Seems rankings of Irvine CA are okay, but top 30 isn’t exactly that interesting a place in CA, https://www.niche.com/places-to-live/search/best-places-to-live/s/california/. Median home value is 1.1M+ for Irvine in CA, compared to Solana Beach (ranked at 57 overall in CA) which has a median home value of 1.6M+. The fuss over Irvine being a good place to live seems arbitrary and cultural, and not based on any merit per my estimation. OC seems like a pretty generic and bland beach place to live relative to San Diego etc.

      • @RGB3x3
        28 months ago

        You’ve misspelled.

        It’s “Irvine” and I’m assuming Irvine, CA.

        You searched “Irving”

        • nifty
          8 months ago

          I think the rest of the thread mentions TX

          Edit I am wrong!

    • StrikerOP
      28 months ago

      Ngl, if some HOA weirdo was getting on my case for existing in a way they didn’t I’d just box them in the face. Like seriously, I can’t believe the way that people let those HOA people act.

      • @ChicoSuave
        98 months ago

        HOAs are a way to judge how much shit the average person can tolerate before they get violent. The entire enterprise hangs on neighbors reporting neighbors with and the distrust that it fosters.

        When people collectively tell HOAs to fuck off, corporate America will be worried.

        • StrikerOP
          38 months ago

          Thankfully, in my country they aren’t really a thing (could be a thing in southside Dublin though) . But yeah if your hoa is like that then you probably need to more than just words