The carrier on Friday said it launched a media platform to serve travelers personalized advertisements on seat-back screens and in its app, among other platforms, as it seeks to leverage customer data.

    • @[email protected]
      289 months ago

      I work for a company that does marketing, and they are seriously struggling right now because TV and Social media ads are getting more expensive, while at the same time becoming less effective.

      Yes. This is true.

      Because ads suck and people hate them. Whats the new way? Be good at what you do so people talk about your brand. Show up in searches when I’m looking for you. That’s it.

      • haui
        139 months ago

        Astonishing! Who would have thought that be the case? Actually doing the work instead of paying your way to success? That cant be correct! /s

        • @pdxfed
          59 months ago

          God forbid the enormous amount of money be poured into the actual product rather than spamming an inferior one.