They were tailing me in the left lane. Someone was in front of me. They passed on the right, but had to cut me off to avoid cars on the right that were going slow. Then they tailed the person in front of me. When the person in front of them moved to the right, they slammed on their brakes, got out of their car all puffed up, and started coming at me… instead of continuing on with no one in the left. Which makes no sense at all.

Oh, the roid-road-rage. So pathetic.

  • @[email protected]
    184 months ago

    Officer, I feared for my life when he approached my vehicle with hostile intent so I had to run him over to protect myself.

    • @tsonfeirOP
      84 months ago

      The video shows him going back to his car for what looks like a cell phone. I mean, a cell phone is a gun right?

      • @ThatWeirdGuy1001
        74 months ago

        According to police a falling acorn is enough probable cause to mag dump.