The sun sucks, being forced to shower like every 4 hours just to not feeling sweaty, the fucking mosquitoes, the fact you can’t wear anything that you want anymore due the heat, the people outside… The fucking beach. I try to avoid it… The fucking sand, not a fan of it. Is scratchy, harsh, annoying and it infiltrates in every nook and cranny. Is not worth the annoyance just to shower yourself with salt water.

  • Call me Lenny/Leni
    399 months ago

    Allergies by day, mosquitoes by night, heat during work, rain during leisure, it can get pretty bad. Autumn is awesome, it’s nicer out with no forces of nature used against anyone and the festivities and aesthetics are amazing, but Spring and Summer make the wait challenging.

    • @chemical_cutthroat
      89 months ago

      Autumn is awesome, it’s nicer out with no forces of nature used against anyone

      Hurricane season would like a word with you…

        • @Fondots
          89 months ago

          Hurricane season lasts from roughly June through November. The worst of it normally comes between August and October, so late summer and we’ll into the fall.