The fact I’ll die alone without ever feeling the love of a woman besides my mother and without a child saddens me. So, as kind of a consolation, I want to know… How does it feel? Being in love and being together, the sex part, just living together and all that…

    -19 months ago

    The only reason I’m replying is because I’m sick of people bs me. There’s no tunnel. Is just my entire life. There’s nothing to rebuild, your dumb comparisons make no sense. I’m starting to feel that you’re doing this just to feel better about yourself “hey at least I didn’t finished like this loser and got to bang a chick”.

    GIVE UP.

    • HelloThere
      39 months ago

      We’re not bullshitting you, we are trying to show you the way out.

      And yeah, you got me, doing this does make me feel better. I feel better when I can use my experiences to help people. It helps me to remind myself to be kind to myself. Everything I am saying to you applies to me as well.

      I won’t give up on myself, so why would I give up on you? You are just as valuable and important as I am.

      Ignore the bit in your mind telling you to push us away, again, it’s scared that you’re realising that you are not it, and that it’s losing some control. It has got very used to being in control, but it is a part of you, you are not a part of it.

      • CYB3ROP
        9 months ago


        There’s no bit pushing me to do this. I’m the one telling you that you’re wrong and you’re annoying as fuck. Stop trying to be a fucking psychoanalyst, yeah you got to taste some saggy tits, that doesn’t give you the right to tell wtf I need to do with fucking life clown.

        I didn’t asked for dating advice, you got some girl that pity fucked you? Good for you 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼… I’m not you and I’ll never be, and probably for the better, fuck me if I wanna become anything like you.

        • HelloThere
          29 months ago

          Friend, you were the one who asked the question what it’s like. I’ve told you, and also explained how you can get from where you are to being in a relationship.

          I can’t force you to seek help, but if in the future you ever feel like you’d like to chat, feel free to message me.

          You don’t have to push everyone away, not everyone is out to hurt you. I hope you realise this before it’s too late.

          • CYB3ROP
            09 months ago

            No, you didn’t just answered me, otherwise we’re wouldn’t be on this stupid rebuttal… If you just answered the question I wouldn’t had the need to respond you.

            • HelloThere
              19 months ago

              Now you’re just lying to yourself, this is from my original comment.

              Many, many, years and 3 more failed relationships on, I’m 9 years in to a very stable long term relationship with someone I absolutely adore. My single goal is to not repeat the same mistakes as before, and we tackle everything as a team. If we’re feeling uneasy we speak to each other and help each other. I’m so proud of what we have built together. She is the smartest, most empathetic and kindest person I know. I count myself so lucky that she is my best friend, a willing big spoon, and I get to play with her boobies. It’s incredible.

              • CYB3ROP
                9 months ago

                You literally told me what to do even when I didn’t asked for it. There you’re just picking a extract of your answer. If it was only that then it would’ve been ok, clown.

                • HelloThere
                  29 months ago

                  If it was only that, it wouldn’t be representative of reality. For me to be able to have a good relationship required a lot of change. Namely I had to accept some responsibility for my situation and stop pretending it was only other people’s fault.

                  A relationship is a partnership, it requires everyone involved to bring good things to it. If they don’t, it will fail.

                  You don’t have to be beautiful, or rich, or famous to be in a relationship, but if you aren’t nice to speak to, or be around, trustworthy, caring, considerate, etc, why would anyone want to spend their life with you?

                  You refuse to except your attitude and actions have contributed in any way to your situation. As a result, you will never be in a relationship.

                  It’s your decision. Your circumstances won’t change over night, it will take a long time and a lot of work, but if you really want to, you’re absolutely capable of it. You are not fundamentally broken and irreparable.

                  • CYB3ROP
                    9 months ago

                    You realize way worse people in this fucking planet managed to marry and have kids right? I’m a fucking saint in comparison. I’m not got to change shit in my life, I don’t wanna become someone else. That’s the way I am, I’m nobody’s friend, nobody enemy. I’m loyal and don’t betray anyone, if that isn’t enough for the world, then fuck’em. It is their fault not mine. I’m not a fucking criminal for being myself.