I was just thinking if you are on your computer anyway would it just use some of the excess electricity that your computer would have wasted or would it be worse than charging your phone from a charger while using your laptop separately.

  • @Paragone
    08 months ago

    IF you’ve a high-efficiency charger, then I’d say it’s probably more-efficient to use that charger.

    The warmer you run your computer, the less-efficient it becomes, & the shorter the lifespan of the hottest chips in it ( this effect shouldn’t be significant )

    e.g. increasing a CPU by 10Celsius should cut its lifespan in half.

    by having more heat-generating-stuff going on in your computer, you impair the cooling of your CPU & GPU ( slightly, probably ), & that may affect your computer’s time-to-failure.

    Fan-bearings may dry-out sooner, too.

    hth, eh?

    _ /\ _

    • @Robin
      38 months ago

      The amount of heat this will add to your case is negligible. We’re talking 15% waste on a 20W load, so 3W worth of extra heat. And that heat is produced in the PSU.

      (PSU efficiency standards: https://i.imgur.com/WSWrsCm.gif)

      • Gamers_MateOP
        18 months ago

        If the heat is negligible I would assume it should not matter as long as you do not charge while your pc is doing a task that uses up to much resources?

    • Gamers_MateOP
      18 months ago

      Thank you I will charge them separately there are some good ways to save electricity but I guess this is not one of them.