    4 months ago

    I’m very confused why you think my username would indicate that I’m a bot. I am, however, entirely unsurprised that you’d make that allegation without a shred of evidence, as evidence doesn’t really seem to be your thing.

    I picked it because I’d recently gotten into the Ace Attorney games, and also like to ground my beliefs in evidence and expect other to as well. For a while, I was channelling Phoenix Wright’s voice, as a bit, but then I got bored of it.

    If I am a bot, then whoever programmed me deserves a promotion, because I think I sound very human. But I’m not really sure how I could go about proving that I’m not a bot. Let’s see, punching Nazis is cool and you should do it, does that work? Ah, but maybe I’m a bot with safety restrictions turned off. Probably there’s nothing I could say to prove it to you, it’s utterly unfalsifiable.

    At that point, how do I know you’re not a bot? Maybe this whole thread full of bots! Oooooohhhhh~ spooky spooky. Can we return to reality now, please?