considering the current state of the world and things like the resurgence of fascism and other authoritarian ideologies, do you think there is still a chance to avoid a new world war or now is unavoidable?

  • @blahsay
    -119 months ago

    The biggest issue is extremism on both sides of the political spectrum. Division and hate are extremely easy to stoke and the left is at least as complicit. Unless people change their mindset to and remove the barriers they put up between people, conflict will be inevitable.

    • @PoliticalAgitator
      9 months ago

      The right: “I think we should deport anyone with brown skin, incarcerate the LGBT community until they learn to stay closeted, execute black people without trial and force raped children to give birth, all the while gutting environmental protections, welfare and anything else that might cost my rich friends money”

      The left: “Then you’re a cunt”

      You: Both sides so divisive!

      • @blahsay
        -69 months ago

        You’re part of the problem till you can step back and understand others opinions. Generally people mean well.

        • @InternetCitizen2
          69 months ago

          So what opinion does the right have that is worth taking seriously?

          • @blahsay
            -29 months ago

            Oddly they have some arguments that the hard left would agree with normally if it wasnt so polarised.

            For example critical race theory would say institutional racism caused disparity right? So is institutional racism bad? Or just bad if it preferences a race you prefer?

              • @blahsay
                -29 months ago

                Empathy, trying to understand others, reasonable discourse…look into them mate 👍

                • @PoliticalAgitator
                  39 months ago

                  Oh I understand those far-right “others” just fine. They’re all the abusive partners, parents and bullys we’ve all known. The ones who will torture their own family members for doing something, anything, without their unpredictable stamp of approval. The ones who eagerly twist and lie and manipulate people to get what they want, saying vapid shit about “empathy and understanding” that they have no intention of following themselves.

                  The Republican party is indefensible and by extension, so are those that support them, from Fox News all the way down to fuckstains at the local bar. They’ve made themselves a shining beacon for the worst people in America and I’m comfortable writing every single one of them off.

                  Because if they were actually capable of empathy, understanding or reasonable discourse, they wouldn’t be far-right in the first place.

    • @StupidBrotherInLaw
      59 months ago

      Can you describe the extremism left of spectrum?

      Honest question, not JAQing off, and I won’t jump down your throat no matter what you say.