considering the current state of the world and things like the resurgence of fascism and other authoritarian ideologies, do you think there is still a chance to avoid a new world war or now is unavoidable?

  • Max-P
    369 months ago

    You know it’s bad when far right extremism is on the rise again in Germany…

  • lurch (he/him)
    9 months ago

    considering we have a record of over 6000 years of overlapping armed conflicts and wars, yes absolutely.

    there has not been a single worldwide peaceful day for thousands of years.

    it’s not 100% sure the ones currently going on will be called world wars. maybe it will be a new one. there’s always another war, unfortunately.

  • @[email protected]
    149 months ago

    It started in 2014 so yeah. We are just not yet to a point where America gets directly involved. We are doing the lend lease thing again.

    • toofpic
      109 months ago

      Came here to say the same thing. Both US and EU: “this is not real, this is not a real war”.
      In their delusion, are helping Ukraine, but it’s a half-ass help. How should a war look to be called a war? Tanks, Aircraft, ships, 1000km trench warfare, ballistic missiles - is that a war?

  • @kaffiene
    99 months ago

    It’s always avoidable. It’s also still quite possible

  • @foggy
    59 months ago

    It’s already underway.

    China will attack Taiwan before Christmas. That’ll likely be the flashpoint. That’s been my two cents for over a year now.

    North/South Korea going at it.

    North Korea supplying Russia arms to fight Ukraine.

    US okaying more and more, blurring NATO lines. NATO is basically involved in the Russia Ukraine war.

    China and India appear to be buying Russia oil/gas still, keeping their war machine afloat. Amongst other financial vestments.

    Then we have Israel pummeling Palestine. Iran attacking Israel. NATO countries don’t agree about whether or not this is a genocide.

    When China invades Taiwan, TSMC will shut down their facilities. The US has been pouring billions into semiconductor manufacturing on US soil, because when China invades Taiwan and tscm shuts down, Google, Microsoft, OpenAI, Nvidia, AMD, Intel, IBM, Meta, Amazon, and many more will be in hot water. Because of this, the US has an insane naval presence and alliance with Japan to protect the South China seas.

    This is world war three. It’s happening now.

  • @[email protected]
    29 months ago

    Not so long as nuclear weapons exist. I don’t think any country is reckless enough to risk a nuclear exchange, and that won’t change until the stress from climate change changes the math.

    • @gbzm
      19 months ago

      Climate change is there though. It’s not yet reached the “death by the millions” point, but that point being inevitable now, a nation could start thinking about the potential benefits from being the first to strike.

  • Lord Wiggle
    19 months ago

    We’re already in it. There are currently 57 conflicts in the world, of which several are international. Things will escalate. World tension is rising, the far right is on the rise, it’s the 1930’s all over again. Or at least, in some parts of the world. In other parts it’s already the 1940’s, with totalitarian regimes, genocide and concentration camps.

  • @jimmy90
    -99 months ago

    no, nobody’s stupid enough to take on NATO

    • @Dasus
      49 months ago

      Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.

      — Albert Einstein

      • @jimmy90
        19 months ago

        true but anyone stupid enough to take on a NATO ally is going to be surprised how quickly that “world war” is over

        • @InternetCitizen2
          39 months ago

          A big part of the alliance is credibility. Far right political parties have called into question weather NATO is worth it. Even if we are a strong alliance the mere appearance of questioning can cause an opponent to misread and attack.

          • @jimmy90
            29 months ago

            agreed thankfully the far right is still small and with a bit of immigration reform should be wiped out

      • @jimmy90
        19 months ago

        NATO has only ever started a war in Bosnia/Kosovo so I too hope they keep their cool

          • @jimmy90
            19 months ago

            Iraq was led by the US with few partners and was a huge mistake.

            Libya was a UN sponsored brief air/missile strikes to try to stem a horrible civil war but yeah that was NATO and didn’t end well either. Probably should have been a larger operation with peace keepers.

              • @jimmy90
                19 months ago

                usually, but if the UN approves they will get involved

  • @blahsay
    -119 months ago

    The biggest issue is extremism on both sides of the political spectrum. Division and hate are extremely easy to stoke and the left is at least as complicit. Unless people change their mindset to and remove the barriers they put up between people, conflict will be inevitable.

    • @PoliticalAgitator
      9 months ago

      The right: “I think we should deport anyone with brown skin, incarcerate the LGBT community until they learn to stay closeted, execute black people without trial and force raped children to give birth, all the while gutting environmental protections, welfare and anything else that might cost my rich friends money”

      The left: “Then you’re a cunt”

      You: Both sides so divisive!

      • @blahsay
        -69 months ago

        You’re part of the problem till you can step back and understand others opinions. Generally people mean well.

        • @InternetCitizen2
          69 months ago

          So what opinion does the right have that is worth taking seriously?

          • @blahsay
            -29 months ago

            Oddly they have some arguments that the hard left would agree with normally if it wasnt so polarised.

            For example critical race theory would say institutional racism caused disparity right? So is institutional racism bad? Or just bad if it preferences a race you prefer?

              • @blahsay
                -29 months ago

                Empathy, trying to understand others, reasonable discourse…look into them mate 👍

                • @PoliticalAgitator
                  39 months ago

                  Oh I understand those far-right “others” just fine. They’re all the abusive partners, parents and bullys we’ve all known. The ones who will torture their own family members for doing something, anything, without their unpredictable stamp of approval. The ones who eagerly twist and lie and manipulate people to get what they want, saying vapid shit about “empathy and understanding” that they have no intention of following themselves.

                  The Republican party is indefensible and by extension, so are those that support them, from Fox News all the way down to fuckstains at the local bar. They’ve made themselves a shining beacon for the worst people in America and I’m comfortable writing every single one of them off.

                  Because if they were actually capable of empathy, understanding or reasonable discourse, they wouldn’t be far-right in the first place.

    • @StupidBrotherInLaw
      59 months ago

      Can you describe the extremism left of spectrum?

      Honest question, not JAQing off, and I won’t jump down your throat no matter what you say.

  • @[email protected]
    -119 months ago

    The term “world war” is a propaganda term. First, the only reason the world was involved was because the world was mostly colonies of the belligerents. In reality it was a European war, and European holdings were involved due to their economics.

    In the second one, there were 2 distinct wars where the belligerents were allied for strategic reasons. The US was at war with Japan and Europe was at war.

    Since the end, peace has been held with a bunch of strategic alliances, so in any real war, all countries take sides. But with the current 2 notable wars going on, it appears that that alliance structure is breaking down. Alliances are not in line with the economic realities of these countries. The more real things get the less these alliances will hold. This is probably a good thing, as it prevents everything from getting out of hand.

    • Lemminary
      49 months ago

      The term “world war” is a propaganda term

      Why is it propaganda and not just a misnomer?

        • @[email protected]
          89 months ago

          Yes and totally had nothing to do with the fact the belligerents were on all continents except Antartica. Total propaganda with no basis in accuracy whatsoever.

  • @[email protected]
    -139 months ago

    The term “world war” is a propaganda term. First, the only reason the world was involved was because the world was mostly colonies of the belligerents. In reality it was a European war, and European holdings were involved due to their economics.

    In the second one, there were 2 distinct wars where the belligerents were allied for strategic reasons. The US was at war with Japan and Europe was at war.

    Since the end, peace has been held with a bunch of strategic alliances, so in any real war, all countries take sides. But with the current 2 notable wars going on, it appears that that alliance structure is breaking down. Alliances are not in line with the economic realities of these countries. The more real things get the less these alliances will hold. This is probably a good thing, as it prevents everything from getting out of hand.

    • @[email protected]
      109 months ago

      You forget the pacific theatre totally if you think it was an America Russia war exclusively. That’s a very European centric view for someone calling it a European centric view for those who call it a world war.

      • @[email protected]
        99 months ago

        Yeah it’s a ridiculous stance to take, particularly for WWII. Of the 6/7 continents (Antarctica not included) only Africa and Australia were colonial participants. US, UK, France, Japan, Germany, China, Russia all were not colonies. Direct conflict occurred on Africa by Germany and Japan bombed Australia. Thus to say ‘WWII’ is a propaganda title to make it sound bigger than it was is at best a pedantic argument as all continents (except Antarctica) were affected by a non-colonial belligerent.

      • @[email protected]
        -39 months ago
        1. I didn’t call it an america Russia war,

        2. I mentioned Japan.

        You’re talking about world war 2 right?

    • nickwitha_k (he/him)
      19 months ago

      I’d say that two wars is also oversimplification. There were 3 in Finland alone with two different sets of belligerents.