Hey there,

it’s been a while since my last post. Since then - with the help of this awesome community - I have added multiple new features and fixed a lot of bugs.

Most importantly there is now a working demo alongside a shiny new landing page.

And here are some more fun features I added since then:

  • Trail drawing: in addition to uploading you GPX, TCX or KML files, you can now also simply draw a trail by defining multiple waypoints. The route between them will be calculated automatically.
  • Sharing trails: simple and straightforward - you can share your trails with other users and let them view or edit.
  • Printing trails: there is now a dedicated print view. Plan your adventure digitally and then take it with you on paper.
  • wanderer is now available in 8 different languages (thanks to translators from the community). If you would like to contribute a translation you can do so here.
  • You can now bulk upload multiple trails at once simply by putting them in a dedicated auto-upload folder

And much more. I’d be happy if you give it a try in case you haven’t yet.

GitHub repo: https://github.com/Flomp/wanderer

  • Krafting
    615 days ago

    I’ll install this on my Lab it looks cool!

    Also, is there any mobile app that can trace and upload trails I do in the day ?

      • SayCyberOnceMore
        215 days ago

        Ah, ok, so I can export my OsmAnd paths, import into this and then remind myself of where I went on holiday / almost fell of a cliff / got lost driving / etc ?

        I have a bunch of tracks I’ve saved over the years… hmm… maybe this is what I should be using

        • @get_flompedOP
          315 days ago

          Exactly! As long as you have the track in a GPX, TCX or KML file, you are good to go.

          You can also plan your route directly on wanderer (so you don’t fall off another cliff ;))

      • Krafting
        115 days ago

        Looks like what I wanted! However, it doesn’t seem to let me export to a supported format for Wanderer (only kmz?), could you confirm @[email protected] ?

        • @[email protected]
          313 days ago

          Open Tracks allows exporting in either KMZ (default), KML or GPX format. Go to Settings, tap on “Import and Export” and there look, towards the end, for the entry “Export/sharing file format”.

          • Krafting
            113 days ago

            Awesome, thanks for the tip! I’ll try the app on my next trail trip

        • @get_flompedOP
          315 days ago

          I don’t know the app. But on the linked page it says it supports GPX and KML. Both of which wanderer supports.

    • WhiteHotaru
      215 days ago

      On iOS there is GPX Tracker which simply records a GPX track and can overlay openstreetmap data while doing so.