• @BowtiesAreCool
    149 months ago

    They haven’t learned from 3 of their best and most popular games?

    • @NewNewAccount
      19 months ago

      People have such nostalgia boners for Morrowind. Warranted or not, it’s still annoying.

      • @ripcord
        99 months ago

        What does that have to do with the comment you replied to?

        Also why would it be annoying if people say a good game is a good game and it is warranted?

        It’s like people on this thread have some pathological need to complain about SOMETHING.

        • @[email protected]
          49 months ago

          I think Elder Scrolls is one of those properties whose biggest detractors are its fanbase. Runescape is exactly the same, and it’s totally bizarre.

      • @andros_rex
        59 months ago

        The nostalgia boner is that it was a very unique game, and nothing has come out quite like it since. It’s not even like Daggerfall or Arena. For someone looking for that experience, Oblivion and Skyrim were massive disappointments.

        Going from a volcano that is spewing flesh mutating disease while riding giant bugs around to Tolkienesque Medieval Fantasy Landscape #3045 gave me whiplash. (The Shivering Isles and Knights of the Nine save the package though.) And losing the ability to kill whoever I want? Spears???

        Skyrim is better. It mangles what could have been a good story by retconning lore and making Alduin into big evil bad, just as Oblivion was about basically Satan invading the world. Morrowind’s villain may not be right, but his motives are 100% understandable and he has a good point. (In Oblivion: why would you join a cult dedicated to killing everyone for no reason?)

        As a Morrowboomer, I’m willing to accept the series changed, but there just hasn’t been something to replace what I hoped for ES4. They don’t make games with that vibe anymore. The closest thing I’ve had to scratching that itch would be Planescape Torment, Pathologic, or Zeno Clash.