Local news anchors across the country are reading from the exact same script on Joe Biden.

Local television news broadcasters are airing suspiciously similar attacks on Joe Biden’s mental acuity and how it will affect the coming election—and it appears to be part of a coordinated effort.

The Sinclair Broadcast Group owns or operates 185 local television stations across the country, and dozens of their stations aired a segment from national correspondent Matthew Galka citing a Wall Street Journal article that makes dubious attacks on Biden’s age and mental awareness. The stations that aired the segment introduced it using startlingly similar, if not identical language, the Popular Information and Public Notice newsletters reported.

It’s not the first time Sinclair, owned by right-wing businessman David D. Smith, has appeared to be running a conservative propaganda campaign. Infamously in 2018, dozens of the company’s TV stations were caught airing an identical editorial about the dangers of biased and false news. This time around, the Rupert Murdoch-owned Wall Street Journal, as well as Murdoch’s cable news stations Fox News and Fox Business, have gotten in on the act.

  • @jordanlundM
    269 months ago

    If you vote Trump because you legitimately believe Biden is too old, then you have to explain why it’s OK to have a President in their 2nd term who is the same age Biden is now.

    Biden - 11/20/1942
    Trump - 6/14/1946

    Biden turned 81 last year. Trump turns 78 in 3 days.

    January, 2025 - 82 and 78.
    2026 - 83 and 79.
    2027 - 84 and 80.
    2028 - 85 and 81.

    • @jumjummy
      119 months ago

      Don’t forget a FELON President in their 2nd term who is the same age as Biden now.

    • @bassomitron
      109 months ago

      They’re just scared of Biden dying and having a black woman as president. That’s the real horror for these people.

      • @Cryophilia
        39 months ago

        I LOVE seeing people squirm when I call them out for dog whistling about Kamala

    • @Delusional
      39 months ago

      Yeah he’s basically the same fucking age. Who is stupid enough to believe that Biden is too old but trump isn’t.

      Oh right… Republicans.