Once one company gets away with it, the rest follow.

  • @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    Here’s my personal rule: any product / company heavy-handed enough to get past my strict ad filtering online, or advertises enough offline to get on my radar immediately goes into my never-buy list.

    Example of that: NordVPN and Brilliant. They managed to bribe so many of the Youtubers I watch - who otherwise produce good, honest content - into shilling their shit that they will never get a dime from me. They might have if they hadn’t invaded so much of Youtube, but now they won’t.

    • @ZeffSyde
      59 months ago

      I get so pissed off when one of the YouTubers I follow starts shilling for some bs subscription service that I have to play a few hours of Raid: Shadow Legends to calm down.

      • @[email protected]
        49 months ago

        Shout-out to that time Nerdcubed actually played RAID: Shadow Legends and after he found the button to have the game play itself he started audibly playing and listing off genuinely good phone games while RAID just kept doing the same monotonous thing for the last 10 minutes or so of the video