• @[email protected]
    4 months ago

    damn Russia really should have thought of the children before they started unprovoked invasion of a soverign nation with intent to conquest #3

    the hell kind of abusive victim blaming mindset is this? “Clearly ukraine is in the wrong for defending themselves against an invading force”

    • @[email protected]
      294 months ago

      Russia did think of the children!

      Well, they did think of the Ukrainian children they kidnapped and are selling off to Russian families. Not the ones they killed.

    • @Hawke
      74 months ago

      I don’t read that as saying Ukraine shouldn’t defend themselves, but rather it is saying Ukraine is defending the west, putting their lives at risk and doing the dying while the west otherwise sits comfortably at home.

      I’m not sure that’s entirely fair, but it sure isn’t us putting our lives on the line for democracy like the Ukrainians are.

      • @[email protected]
        4 months ago

        Yes, in some ways Ukraine is defending the West… proxy wars are nothing new, and this is definitely a proxy war by any definition of the term.

        HOWEVER, if Ukraine didn’t want to defend themselves and wished to preserve life, they would have rolled over, gotten rid of their president, and handed the country over to Putin by now. They’ve proven they are not above driving out their president and upper leadership by public demonstration, they have done it before specifically to get rid of a pro-Russian president and parliament prior to Putin’s invasion of Crimea. They chose this path for themselves in 2014, they do not want to be involved in Putin’s authoritarian state. It is up to us in the west to support that path and right to self determination.

        It is also in the best interest of both to not get the west directly involved (yet, anyway), because Russia can and will take NATO troops being deployed as an invitation to start a broader hot war, and then everyone loses.

        Both Ukraine and the west understand Russia doesn’t stop there. Appeasement has never, ever worked with egotistical empire building dictators in the past before, and it will not work now. Just letting Russia have Ukraine would save lives, but inevitably cost more in the long run.

      • @[email protected]
        414 months ago

        As long as Ukraine wants to defend themselves against Russia I support their choice to do so and wish my government would provide even more support for them to do so.

          • @PugJesusOP
            254 months ago

            Have you ever questioned why there’s always a new crisis that makes Raytheon execs rich, but mysteriously leaves nothing to spend on civilians here at home?

            Imagine thinking that’s why we don’t have well-funded social services.

          • @barsquid
            244 months ago

            In 2020, when corporations that had just received three years of outrageously large tax cuts and stock buybacks were frightened of losing revenue, the Repub government fabricated trillions of dollars in handouts to pass around with little to no oversight.

            It is not the spending on Raytheon that is preventing spending on citizens at home. It is that half the country has oppositional defiant disorder about any service or policy that would help poor people.

          • @StinkyOnions
            194 months ago

            And this right here is an example of someone not knowing how their own government works.

              • @StinkyOnions
                84 months ago

                Never said there wasn’t.

                I’m just pointing out that you don’t even know how your own government works, that is, if you’re even American.

                  • @StinkyOnions
                    4 months ago

                    Gee, I didn’t know not being American means you’re automatically Russian. Either way, you’re intentionally missing the entire point of my replies. You don’t know how your own government works. Helping Ukraine in no way is draining tax payer money, ya dunce.

          • @[email protected]
            34 months ago

            And this is why we never have any money for investing in domestic programs to improve anything. If it’s not Korea, it’s Vietnam, if not Vietnam, it’s Kosovo, if not Kosovo, it’s Iraq, if not Iraq it’s Afghanistan, if not Afghanistan, it’s Ukraine. Have you ever questioned why there’s always a new crisis that makes Raytheon execs rich, but mysteriously leaves nothing to spend on civilians here at home?

            It’s absolutely not the reason lol. The reason you can’t invest in domestic programs like universal healthcare or post-secondary education financing reform is because half of your fellow Americans oppose it, and vote accordingly. Convincing others matters.

      • dual_sport_dork 🐧🗡️
        224 months ago

        You know, every time this topic comes up I just sit back and remember how well appeasement worked last time. You remember, with that toothbrush mustache guy? Boy, I’m sure glad capitulating led to nothing happening after that!

          • @PugJesusOP
            184 months ago

            Good thing Ukraine isn’t Russia, then, and that the war is happening in Ukraine. Afghanistan, ahoy!

              • @PugJesusOP
                44 months ago

                Ukraine isn’t mountainous terrain that’s hard to navigate both on foot and with even modern aircraft. It isn’t a subsistence economy that has been at war for a thousand years. It isn’t home to people who made a life raiding into India for women and livestock, fierce mountain vikings, even before becoming the graveyard of empire as they cut their teeth on three world powers in a row, getting stronger with each they drove out, generation by generation. These are farmers and programmers and project managers, who are dying in trenches on a flat field as surely as the Flemmish before Germans in WWI, and yes, the line can hold forever, but it takes X lives every day to make that happen, and there’s no endgame where Russia gives in, because it needs the fresh water from the non-Crimea shit to hold Crimea, which has no rivers, and their whole Black Sea naval operation is out of there, and they’re not going to cede the whole Black Sea.

                What absolutely bizarre hagiography.

          • @Zess
            74 months ago

            Yeah I’m sure the West is planning a massive land invasion of Russia in the middle of winter, you figured it out.

      • @[email protected]
        34 months ago

        Russia might think they will win, but it will rather be NATO against Russia than Ukraine losing.

      • catsarebadpeople
        14 months ago

        Win eventually? Lol. Russia already lost. Their 2 week battle plan to take over Ukraine and dissuade other countries from joining NATO has turned into a two year conflict that has caused multiple neighboring countries to submit NATO applications. The absolute best Russia can do at this point is get a bit of dirt.

        Their military has already been downgraded from a near peer to a peer at this point. It used to be The US, China and Russia. Now it’s just The US and China. Their economy is in shambles and they’ve resorted to cooking the books to pretend it’s not. Russia already lost.

        Think about this in the future when this war is over and you start claiming that it was a great victory for Daddy Putin because they end up being able to annex a few kilometers of unusable land.