Photo by Dan Minicucci

Getting a drink from a scallop shell day old plover chick no more than 2" tall

Nerd Info: Canon R5 600mm f/4 w/1.4x (840mm) 2000 f/8@ 1/3200" cropped and denoised in Photoshop

  • @barsquid
    514 days ago

    600mm f/4! Carrying that around would wear me out but the results are clearly worth it.

    • anon6789OP
      614 days ago

      Yikes! I know next to nothing about cameras, but when one of you guys react to camera info I always look it up.

      I can’t say this is the same lens the photographer used, but if it is, the reduced wallet weight may offset carrying the lens around.

      Jokes aside though, this thing does indeed look monstrous.

      • @barsquid
        414 days ago

        Indeed it does hit the wallet hard also! Thank you for adding the photo, that’s somehow even larger than I was expecting. I love seeing the gear.

        • anon6789OP
          314 days ago

          I got a kick out of it once I saw it in context. Looks just shy of a full telescope!