• @chrash0
    19 months ago

    you’ve not seen the type of email chains i get at work. personally i think it should be illegal to respond-all to an email chain with hundreds of people with “Great job team!!! 🎉”. but it would be great to have a LM to read it near instantaneously for me to be like “oh yeah there was a product release and here’s a few relevant metrics”. doesn’t matter if it’s 100% in on every subtle detail, and a decent summary could tell me where or if i even should dig into details.

    • @RGB3x3
      19 months ago

      I could see that. AI seems like an expensive solution to just getting people to stop clicking “reply all” though.

      Kinda crazy that the easier solution may not be changing people’s behavior, but creating an entire system capable of reading and understanding text.

      • @chrash0
        19 months ago

        not sure what you mean by expensive. i run language models on my laptop that are pretty good at this type of task. and, yes, these models are infinitely easier and cheaper ultimately than trying to change the human proclivity for attention seeking behavior.