• YouTube is testing server-side ad injection to counter ad blockers, integrating ads directly into videos to make them indistinguishable from the main content.
  • This new method complicates ad blocking, including tools like SponsorBlock, which now face challenges in accurately identifying and skipping sponsored segments.
  • The feature is currently in testing and not widely rolled out, with YouTube encouraging users to subscribe to YouTube Premium for an ad-free experience.
  • @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    So… because you had a bad they should not even attempt to pursue their dreams and make art/“art”?

    Also… I really hope your job is a perfect wonderland with no ethical or moral complications. Otherwise, it is your fault for working there instead of somewhere else, obviously.

    We live in a late stage capitalistic hellscape and still snipe each other constantly. Everybody would rather fuck over everyone else than show any degree of solidarity.

    • FiveMacs
      09 months ago

      Not once did I say they shouldn’t persue anything…if I’m presented with a contract from work which I don’t agree with,I’m looking for a new job…

      Also… I really hope your job is a perfect wonderland with no ethical or moral complications. Otherwise, it is your fault for working there instead of somewhere else, obviously.

      It would be my fault for staying somewhere that is objectively bad for me…yes…it’s not your problem, it’s mine…

      Why is it the customers responsibility to fix the companies problem for the employees…explain.

    • The Uncanny Observer
      -19 months ago

      The ads google shows have been consistently proven to still often contain malware or scams, to the point the federal government recommends you use an adblocker to protect yourself. Google refuses to do anything to stop this. Don’t bitch about how hard artists have it when they demand you support criminal enterprise and subject yourself to online stalking or identity theft in order to prop up their hopes and dreams. That ain’t solidarity, you numbfuck, that’s capitalist exploitation of the masses.