• @[email protected]
    49 months ago

    Guns aren’t too concerning by themselves, but I think we all know a few teachers from our school years that should never, ever own one.

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      Yup we had one go nuts and dump out all our cubbies in 6th grade, because too many of us forgot to bring out work and she was convinced we hadn’t done it and left it in our bags.

      She retired at the end of that year.

      I had another in HS that threw a hammer at a kid (it was a vocational class), that annoyingly put me off a career in the trades. I wish now that I’d stuck with it. I much prefer working with my hands over temporarily organizing pixels.

      • @A7thStone
        39 months ago

        It’s never to late to start. We just had a guy who was 45, and worked in an office his entire career, join our apprenticeship. Being a union electrician is a great gig. Our pay is great and the benefits are awesome.